Latest Episodes

TS&TT: Zachary Garris | Honor Thy Fathers - Recovering the Anti-Feminist Theology of the Reformers
Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden interview Zachary Garris, pastor and author of Honor Thy Fathers: Recovering...

TS&TT: The Active Obedience of Christ & Doctrine of Imputation
Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden address the recent debates around the active obedience of Christ. What...

TS&TT: Q&A Podcast - Politics, Predestination, Just War Theory & More...
Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden address some of your questions - What is Predestination? What can...

TS&TT: Evangelicals for Harris & The Democratic National Convention
Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden discuss Evangelicals for Harris, the recent Democratic National Convention and more....

TS&TT: Productive Christians & Churches For The Glory of God
Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden discuss what it means to be a productive Christian and what...

TS&TT: Bradley Pierce | The Truth About Abortion Rates In Our Post-Roe World
Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol talks with Bradley Pierce, President of Abolish Abortion Texas, Executive Director of the nonprofit...