TS&TT: "He Gets Us" - Remembering Jesus Christ and Not Assuming The Gospel

February 14, 2023 00:25:46
TS&TT: "He Gets Us" - Remembering Jesus Christ and Not Assuming The  Gospel
The Sword & The Trowel
TS&TT: "He Gets Us" - Remembering Jesus Christ and Not Assuming The Gospel

Feb 14 2023 | 00:25:46


Show Notes

Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden talk about Remembering Jesus Christ - we so often forget Christ and assume the Gospel in our teaching, our preaching and our daily christian living. They apply this to the recent "He Gets Us" Super Bowl ad campaign and discuss the danger of missing the Gospel in our attempt to proclaim Christ to a fallen world.

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2024 National Founders Conference: Remember Jesus Christ | https://founders.org/conference/

He Gets Us Website: https://hegetsus.com/en

PRE-ORDER: The Beauty of the Binary - Male and Female He Created Us: https://press.founders.org/shop/the-beauty-of-the-binary/

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