TS&TT: Christian Pacifism - TGC Panel, Self-Defense, Romans 13 and the Sanctity of Life

August 02, 2022 00:35:14
TS&TT: Christian Pacifism - TGC Panel, Self-Defense, Romans 13 and the Sanctity of Life
The Sword & The Trowel
TS&TT: Christian Pacifism - TGC Panel, Self-Defense, Romans 13 and the Sanctity of Life

Aug 02 2022 | 00:35:14


Show Notes

Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden discuss Christian pacifism. A recent debate panel from The Gospel Coalition has sparked a lot of conversation about Christians engaging in self-defense or being pacifists. What does Scripture has to say about the sanctity and defense of life? Should Christians bear arms? Is there ever a time a lay down your life? They discuss all this and more. If this show was helpful for you, make sure to subscribe and share it with a friend!

2023 National Founders Conference: What is Man? | https://founders.org/2023conference/

TGC Debate: Gun Control and the Right to Bear Arms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOMePdBBLnI

Getting the Garden Right Book: https://press.founders.org/shop/getting-the-garden-right/

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