TS&TT: Jim Renihan | An Exposition of the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith

November 15, 2022 00:32:18
TS&TT: Jim Renihan | An Exposition of the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith
The Sword & The Trowel
TS&TT: Jim Renihan | An Exposition of the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith

Nov 15 2022 | 00:32:18


Show Notes

Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden welcome Dr. Jim Renihan, President of the International Reformed Baptist Seminary to talk about his long-awaited book, an exposition on the Second London Confession. They talk about how Dr. Renihan came to work on this resource, the importance and use of confessions, being a reformed baptist and more. If this show was helpful for you, make sure to subscribe and share it with a friend!

PRE-ORDER Dr. Renihan's exposition of the Second London Confession, To the Judicious and Impartial Reader: Baptist Symbolics Volume 2: https://press.founders.org/shop/fto-the-judicious-and-impartial-reader-baptist-symbolics-volume-2/

Get Dr. Renihan's exposition of the First London Confession, For the Vindication of the Truth: Baptist Symbolics Volume 1: https://press.founders.org/shop/for-the-vindication-of-the-truth-baptist-symbolics-volume-1/

2023 National Founders Conference: What is Man? | https://founders.org/2023conference/

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