TS&TT: Christian Education, ACSI, & Walter Strickland’s New “UnifiED”

March 30, 2021 00:30:04
TS&TT: Christian Education, ACSI, & Walter Strickland’s New “UnifiED”
The Sword & The Trowel
TS&TT: Christian Education, ACSI, & Walter Strickland’s New “UnifiED”

Mar 30 2021 | 00:30:04


Show Notes

Today on The Sword & The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore discuss the godless ideologies that seem to be creeping into our educational system. They address the recent announcement from The Association of Christian Schools International on their new partnership with UnifEd and the emphasis on diversity, inclusion and racial reconciliation. They also discuss Danny Akin's appeal for white evangelicals to give up power in the name of equality, what biblical reconciliation looks like and how Christians should view education.

The Institute of Public Theology: www.instituteofpublictheology.org

SALE (Use the code BWS15): By What Standard? God's World...God's Rules: https://press.founders.org/shop/by-what-standard-gods-world-gods-rules/

By What Standard? Cinedoc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFHfa0s1XLM

ACSI Partners with UnifiEd to Offer Christian Schools Resources on Cultural Intelligence: https://www.acsi.org/home/2021/03/24/acsiunified

UnifEd: https://centerforunity.com

What do white Christians need to be mindful of when speaking out about racial reconciliation? Danny Akin | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpo9JR6hucc

Racial Reconciliation | Voddie Baucham: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoJGYCc7EUg

Dear Timothy | Letters on Pastoral Ministry: https://press.founders.org/shop/dear-timothy-revised-edition/

Strong and Courageous: Following Jesus Amid the Rise of America's New Religion | https://press.founders.org/shop/strong-and-courageous/

Wield the Sword: Vocation with Rod Martin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS_tjdDPT_A

Become a part of the F.A.M. | https://press.founders.org/fam/ Watch #WieldTheSword | https://founders.org/wieldthesword/

The Sword & The Trowel: https://founders.org/the-sword-the-trowel/


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